It is amazing how kids can influence you. So far my kids have made me smarter, stronger, braver and more religious… Well, perhaps a little bit religious is more like it, considering I don’t practice any. Anyway…
Today my sweet Alex lured me to one of my favorite childhood activity: drawing. I have forgotten the simple pleasure of it. What makes it more special is that I was drawing with my old drawing equipment… yup… I still have them. My old Caran d’Ache set. I’ve always been very meticulous with my stuff to the point that I don’t let my daughters use them (like my 96 colors Crayola set and my Smurf collection among others). However, sharing my drawing set and drawing with her was really fun. I felt like a kid again… and I drew like one. Princess complete with castle… I guess having girls does that to you… pink and princess galore!!!
My point is, I think we need to revisit our childhood again and again, especially the things we like doing as a kid. I mean my kids draw and color all the time. Even though I was always there with them, I don’t participate. I usually sit in the sideline giving encouragement. For me, today was a fun time and education time as well. I was able to teach Alex how to work the water soluble color pencil and wax oil crayon and mixing it with water color to create a drawing with many effects. She taught me to have fun and be silly every now and then.
Since this blog is part of my #Misi21 anyway, I think I should be more explorative with my daily actions and then blogging about them afterwards. Why not right? Thus I am now thinking what else did like doing as a child? Besides kissing boys of course!
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